Fixed an issue where you could select both alarm delays on The Bomb: Dockyard.Fixed an issue that caused a guard to walk through the wall when detecting a player in The Bomb: Dockyard.Fixed an issue where an asset you could find in day 1 of Big Oil did not have an affect on day 2.Fixed an issue where bags did not register correctly when thrown into the fire on Firestarter day 1.Fixed an issue that caused one of the bags on Firestarter day 1 to not spawn.Removed some rocks from Watchdogs day 1.Fixed an issue where bags could register twice on Shadow Raid.Changed a voice-line trigger on Shadow Raid to play correctly.Fixed a crate that could be opened and looted through the wall on Shadow Raid.Improved performance on Hotline Miami day 2.Fixed an issue where players may get stuck behind doors on Hotline Miami day 2.Moved a collision volume on Hotline Miami day 2 where bags may get stuck beyond the reach of the players.Fixed an issue on Hotline Miami day 1 where the next objective would not trigger if too many cars were set on fire.Changed the size of the escape zone in Cook-Off.SWAT`s no longer target the Mendozas on Rats day 3.